AGM 2023

To be held at Shiplake Village Bowls Club
Wednesday March 29th, 7:30 pm

Annual General Meeting 2023 

Time: 7.00pm assembly for light refreshments, 7.30pm meeting start 

Date: Wednesday 29th March 2023 

Location: Shiplake Village Bowls Clubhouse


  1. Introductions and formalities 
  2. Matters arising from the previous meeting
  3. Chair’s Review of the Year
    1. Social
    2. Playing
    3. Coaching
    4. Governance (Lighting, Fees)
  4. Treasurer’s report
    1. Current financial status
    2. Appointment of Auditor
  5. Membership Secretary’s Report
  6. Club Teams’ Report
    1. Ladies’ team report
    2. Men’s team report
  7. Coaching update
  8. Committee roles, farewells and new elections#
    1. Retiring from Committee – 
      1. Nicholas Wrigley (Health and Safety) 
      2. Olly Bonser (Club sec)
      3. Robin Roy (Social)

2023 Nominations for STSC Committee Roles:




Nominated by



Marcus Binning

Karen Peters

Jenny Berger


Jane Sharples

Marcus Binning

John Church

Club Secretary

Jenny Berger

Sandra Greenslade

Caroline Edwards


Karen Peters

Janette Verrall

Julia Foskett

Social Secretary


Health and Safety


Member w/o portfolio

John Church

Jenny Berger

Nicholas Wrigley

Member w/o portfolio

Rachel Richardson

Steve Berger

Jane Sharples


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